

I was recently contacted by a local resident asking about technology designed to reduce wildlife being killed on roads.

I made some enquiries and can confirm that there are ‘virtual fencing devices deployed along a section of Gap Creek Road, Kenmore Hills. This technology is being trialled across an area extending from the corner of Brookfield Road for approximately 1.75 kms along Gap Creek Road. The trial is assessing the technology to determine whether it is effective in preventing vehicle collisions with large vertebrate fauna, such as feral deer.

The virtual fencing units emit a sound and have flashing LED lights, that are activated by the head lights of oncoming vehicles. This is designed to deter animals from crossing the road when vehicles are present at night. While the objective of this trial is specifically to reduce the risk posed by road users by deer, which are known to move through this area, it is not species specific, and may benefit other wildlife moving at night.

Unfortunately, not all sites are suitable for the installation of virtual fencing. It is only suitable on roads without curb and channel, and where residents are more than forty (40) meters from the roadsite. Should these units prove to be effective, consideration will be given to installing virtual fencing at other suitable locations.