Thank you Chair.
I rise to speak on Item C – the petition for a no-left hand turn from Moggill Road into Blacon Street, Kenmore during the morning peak hour period.
This is something that should have had a successful outcome, but for some weird logic within the State Government’s Department of Transport and Main Roads.
I was contacted some months ago by residents of Blacon and Norm Streets, Kenmore who advised they were intending to submit a petition along these lines to Council.
I live within one kilometre of this areas and have seen firsthand how motorists rat-run through these streets to escape the busy peak hour traffic on Moggill Road, only to create another congestion issue trying to re-enter Moggill Road near Kenmore Plaza.
I undertook community consultation with residents in Blacon and Norm Streets earlier this year and the results confirmed what I expected – that the majority supported a no-left hand turn.
Chair, I want to acknowledge the efforts of Kevin Chen in Council’s TPO who conducted a traffic study and advised that based on the data, a no left hand turn was justified.
However, as part of that process, Council was obliged to advise TMR as Moggill Road is a State-managed road.
To my surprise and that of our Council officers, we encountered strong resistance from TMR to our proposal. This is despite us presenting them with the findings of our consultation and the reasons why our traffic experts supported the move.
TMR advised Council and I quote: “There is insufficient justification to ban the left turn movement, and Brisbane City Council have alternative options to implement within its road network to minimise the potential rat running.
TMR provided an alternative option for Council to restrict the right turn from Norm St into Cedarleigh Rd. But Council doesn’t support this as drivers entering Blacon and Norm Streets with the intention of turning right onto Cedarleigh Rd would be expectedly surprised and frustrated by this turn restriction, leading to poor compliance and other risk-taking behaviour.
Council considers the restriction of a left turn into Blacon Street, upstream of TMR’s suggested turn restriction location, to be more logical, but TMR said it was unable to support that.
I’m told it is rare for TMR to be unsupportive of a Council recommendation, especially where it has broad community support. But TMR is solely responsible for all signage within the Moggill Road Transport Corridor and ultimately had the final say on any changes within this corridor.
I’ve advised the residents of these streets of this decision and they are equally as perplexed.
But I’ve told them that I will continue to monitor the situation in Blacon and Norm Streets and will advocate again for this signage in the future if I believe rat-running continues to be a problem for residents in these streets.
Thank you.